Create your own unique comfort
There are more than 1,500 different possible combinations of colours, fabrics and leather in our collection. A wide range of bases and models means you can create precisely the furniture you are looking for. Will it be for a conference room, a lounge, a dining area, a hotel room or on board a vessel? That is entirely up to you, your imagination and your vision. But whatever you choose, you can be certain that it will have the exceptional quality that Ekornes is known for.

Stressless® Admiral

Stressless® Aura

Stressless® Berlin Low Back

Stressless® Berlin High Back

Stressless® Berlin Adjustable headrest

Stressless® Consul

Stressless® David

Stressless® Erik

Stressless® London Low Back

Stressless® London High Back

Stressless® London Adjustable headrest

Stressless® Magic

Stressless® Mayfair

Stressless® Opal

Stressless® Paris Low Back

Stressless® Paris High Back

Stressless® Paris Adjustable headrest

Stressless® Reno

Stressless® Rome Low Back

Stressless® Rome High Back

Stressless® Rome Adjustable headrest

Stressless® Ruby

Stressless® Sam

Stressless® Scott

Stressless® Sunrise

Stressless® Tokyo Low Back

Stressless® Tokyo High Back

Stressless® Tokyo Adjustable headrest

Stressless® View

Stressless® Wing

Stressless® Basil Low Back with arms

Stressless® Basil High Back

Stressless® Bay

Stressless® Bay with arms

Stressless® Chilli Low back

Stressless® Chilli Low Back with arms

Stressless® Chilli High Back

Stressless® Chilli High Back with arms

Stressless® Laurel Low Back

Stressless® Laurel Low Back with arms

Stressless® Laurel High Back

Stressless® Laurel High Back with arms

Stressless® Mint Low Back

Stressless® Mint Low Back with arms

Stressless® Mint High Back

Stressless® Mint High Back with arms

Stressless® Vanilla Low Back

Stressless® Vanilla Low Back

Stressless® Vanilla High Back

Stressless® Vanilla High Back with arms

Stressless® Basil HO Low Back

Stressless® Basil HO High Back with arms

Stressless® Bay HO

Stressless® Bay HO with arms

Stressless® Chilli HO Low Back

Stressless® Chilli HO Low Back with arms

Stressless® Chilli HO High Back

Stressless® Chilli HO High Back with arms

Stressless® Laurel HO Low Back

Stressless® Laurel HO Low Back with arms

Stressless® Laurel HO High Back

Stressless® Laurel HO High Back with arms

Stressless® Mint HO Low Back

Stressless® Mint HO Low Back with arms

Stressless® Mint HO High Back

Stressless® Mint HO High Back with arms

Stressless® Vanilla HO

Stressless® Vanilla HO with arms

Stressless® Vanilla HO High Back

Stressless® Vanilla HO High Back with arms

Stressless® Berlin HO Low Back

Stressless® Berlin HO Adjustable

Stressless® Berlin HO High Back

Stressless® Rome HO Low Back

Stressless® Rome HO Adjustable

Stressless® Rome HO High Back

Stressless® London HO Low Back

Stressless® London HO Adjustable

Stressless® London HO High Back

Stressless® Paris HO Low Back

Stressless® Paris HO Adjustable

Stressless® Paris HO High Back

Stressless® Tokyo HO Low Back

Stressless® Tokyo HO Adjustable

Stressless® Tokyo HO High Back

Stressless® Aura HO

Stressless® Consul HO

Stressless® David HO

Stressless® Erik HO

Stressless® Magic HO

Stressless® Mayfair HO

Stressless® Opal HO

Stressless® Reno HO

Stressless® Ruby HO

Stressless® Sunrise HO

Stressless® View HO

Stressless® Wing HO

Ekornes® Frende concept sofa

Stressless® Anna A1

Stressless® Anna A2

Stressless® Anna A3

Stressless® Arion 19 A10 High Back

Stressless® Arion 19 A20 High Back

Stressless® Aurora

Stressless® Buckingham Low Back

Stressless® Buckingham High Back

Stressless® Ella

Stressless® Ella Wood

Stressless® Emily Steel

Stressless® Emily Wide

Stressless® Emily Wood

Stressless® Fiona

Stressless® Fiona Steel

Stressless® Fiona Wood

Stressless® Fiona C22 corner sofa

Stressless® Flora

Stressless® Flora Wood

Stressless® Mary

Stressless® Mary Wood

Stressless® Stella

Stressless® Stella Wood

Stressless® Wave Low Back

Stressless® Wave High Back

Stressless® Wave Home Cinema

Stressless® Windsor

Stressless® Bordeaux Rectangular table

Stressless® Bordeaux Round table

Stressless® Bordeaux Round Center table

Stressless® Enigma table

Stressless® Urban Small table

Stressless® Urban Large table

Ideal Table D60 w A43 leg

Ideal Table D60 w A53 leg

Ideal Table D90 w A43 leg

Ideal Table D90 w A53 leg

Ekornes® FR Mattress

Svane® IntelliGel® Amelia Deluxe Continental

Svane® IntelliGel® Ariana Deluxe Continental

Svane® IntelliGel® Athena Deluxe Continental

Svane® IntelliGel® Amelia Deluxe Adjustable

Svane® IntelliGel® Athena Deluxe Adjustable

Svane® IntelliGel® Zense Adjustable

Svane® Grace Continental

Svane® Nobel Continental

Svane® IntelliGel® Zense Continental

Svane® Zoul Continental

Svane® Nobel Box mattress

Svane® IntelliGel® Zense Box Mattress

Svane® Nobel Mattress

Svane® IntelliGel® Zense Mattress

Svane® Embrace Elastec

Svane® Embrace LatexGel

Svane® Pure Elastec

Svane® Temptation Elastec

Stressless® Double Ottoman

Stressless® Ella Ottoman

Stressless® Ella Wood Ottoman

Stressless® Ellipse table

Stressless® Modern Ottoman

Stressless® Stella Ottoman

Stressless® Stella Wood Ottoman

Stressless® USB A table

Ekornes Rondo Pouf with backrest C70

Ekornes Rondo Pouf with backrest C90

Ekornes Rondo Pouf P40

Ekornes Rondo Pouf P70

Ekornes Rondo Pouf P90

Stressless® Fabric Care Kit

Stressless® Leather Care Kit 100 ml